Tuesday, August 10, 2010


O.k. The votes are in. Most people think penguins are so cool. I have to agree. I LOVE penguins they are my favorite animal. Penguins are very smart. They swim and catch fish, and even Emperor penguins eat squid. The ocean that Emperor penguins swim in has an average of 32 degrees Fahrenheit. Penguins eat shrimp, fish and crabs and more. Sometimes a Killer Whale would eat a larger penguin, rather than a smaller one. But Sea Lions eat penguins more often. Adelie penguins are the smallest penguins and Emperor penguins are the largest penguins. There is a lot more penguins than just that though. Whats really sad though is when there is oil spills from boats and ships, the penguins get that on there feathers and can't get it off and when it's hot out the penguins become hot and when is cold out the penguins become cold. They will die if their body temperature is to hot or to cold. What's also really sad is that if there is a bunch of litter on the ground they will get into it and choke, or eat something their not supposed to eat. They can die from that also. That goes for all birds, everywhere. Penguins are toothless, but instead they have a beak, to grab and catch fish. In just a few minutes one penguin can eat hundreds of krill, or many small fish. Rockhopper penguins jump. They jump little distances, but it is one of there unique ways of moving. That is where they got there name, Rockhopper. Adelie penguins make piles of rocks, and whoever has the most rocks gets the girls. Some penguins live in New Zealand, where it is still cold. Like a lot of other animals, penguins molt, or shed there fur. During molting season, you will probably see a lot of penguin feathers.